A slow WiFi connection can be a problem, whether it’s working, on a zoom call, binge-watching Netflix, or just doing anything that requires a stable relationship. These inconveniences become obstacles in your everyday work. No one wants such inconvenience, so to help you with that, we present five ways to increase your home WIFI speed.
Replace your router’s location.
Do you know the WIFI router you keep in a dark corner of your house? Yeah, that one. Try relocating it and see if your wifi connection speeds up.
Large solid objects such as walls, furniture, ceilings, and other devices such as Bluetooth speakers, microwaves, etc., can be interrupted by WIFI signals.
So that one corner of your house isn’t the spot for it. Instead, an ideal location for a WIFI router is at the center of the house in an elevated space.
Extend your WiFi network
If your router is already in the best location, but you still experience signal issues, then you should extend your network’s range. Mesh systems are more suitable for full-house coverage if your home is large or has a complicated layout. However, a booster would be a good fit if you have just one dead zone.
Wired access points connect to your router through an Ethernet cable and can distribute wifi and LAN signals as an extension of your router, similar to a wifi booster. Wifi boosters sit between your router and the dead zone and either amplify or redistribute existing wifi signals into the new area. Mesh wifi systems replace your router with one or more devices that work together to create a single web that blankets your home from multiple points.
Cut off unnecessary devices.
One way could be to remove all unused devices from your internet connection. The easiest way to do that is by changing your WIFI password and rebooting your router. Then log in with your new password from every device you use.
Change your wifi channel or band.
Frequency channels can get crowded. If all your neighbors use the same channel, say 5GHz, that could be the reason for slow connectivity.
To change your WIFI to the best channel, you will have to log in to your router’s online interface. Type your router’s IP address into a web browser and log in. Once logged in, look for your wifi settings. The option to change your band channel should be there.
Upgrade to a faster network.
Sometimes you need a faster internet connection for your internet consumption. For that, it is advised to have a better internet connection.
Internet providers always promise certain speeds, but a 100 Mbps plan sometimes needs different bandwidth. In this case, you need a new plan that will be faster than you think. You may still detect slow connectivity, but it will be more unnoticeable.
We hope these solutions have proven helpful. If you have any more questions or require our services, we are available to help. Contact us at https://www.asacomputerrepairs.com.au/contact-asa-computer-repairs/